So a week passed and I realised I had not made a single list. There is no time to explain this irrationality and uncommon behaviour, I'm moving this snowplough of life forward. So first things first -J made us a calender. Now, rather than leaving our we-should-do-that-intentions in front of billboards and subway posters and in copies of Time Out and mixed up among conversations, we can lock it in Eddie.
Secondly I made a list, documenting what we had done since we arrived. And then I crossed everything off the list. So satisfied. It went like this:
- Cocktails with the Missy family at Dorothy Parker and the Round Table groups Algonquin Hotel.
- Lace show at The Met
- Brooklyn Museum of Art - Most extensive collection of Conceptual art work I've seen.
- Day trip to Philly - Museum of Art to see Cunningham, Cage, Rauschenberg, Johns work in realtion to Duchamps 'Bride Stripped Bare...' inc Cunningham dance piece and Film on there collaborations
- Shoe shopping
- One whole day at Century 21 shopping for winter
- Exhibition opening and Schmoozing at Australian Consulate
- Food shopping, which required assistance and advice from a Homeless man on how to navigate the subway with a trolley
- Watched 4 episodes of Girls and 3 episodes of Newsroom, while I recovered from a bug
- Started Tai Chi
- Practiced Tai Chi walking across the acres of studio space
- Dinners, lunches, and coffee with various friends
- Art material sourcing in the Garment District, J found my special pins that I cant buy in Aust
- $10 Martinis at our local
- Watched creative developement of several contemporary dance pieces
- Got 70% off at Body Shop - Lipstick $4!
- Various landmark sightings
- Finished drawing for first installation
- Recieved exhibtion offer from Chashama
- Rearranged houseplants, then reaaranged whole loft
- Did a little dance
- Had Aust. Council director over for coffee - nice bloke
- Bumped into Aust Attorney General on subway
- Long conversation with our Chinese landroumat about our smalls
- Surrvived a burgulary attempt on our building
- Grew a beard
- Lied awake listing to our frieght elevator and heaters knocking all night
- Slept in
- Waited for snow
- Walked in our door everyday and went - WOOOOOW this lot is amazing
What a list - no wonder your're feeling pleased with yourselves! Hope it was Jon that grew the beard - not you!